Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hello World

Nothing much here. Just unnecessary ramblings, rants, and stories.

I guess I'm supposed to say here what I want this blog to be. Basically: a way for me to not have to write a million emails to a million different people every week. Laziness, I suppose you could call it.

Hopefully I'll end up updating at least once a week once I'm in Senegal. Stories, pictures, anecdotes (wait - aren't those just more stories?).

I'll most likely fail at making this somewhat clever, delightfully humorous, and mildly entertaining.

But if you don't read this for laughs or entertainment, then at least know it's a sign that as long as I'm posting I'm still alive. At least we can take comfort in that.


1 comment:

steph said...

Jake! I happened to click on your link, you're going to Senegal??! That's crazy! I was just in Spain January thru May, it was awesome. Went to Paris in March, first time I'd been back in almost 6 years I think. Anyways, just wanted to say hi, have a great time and drop me a line sometime!