Thursday, October 05, 2006

Behold the power of GoogleEarth

For all of you cyber-stalkers out there, there's a new tool available that can make it 100% easier to find me (even though I'm in Africa).
It's called GoogleEarth. But beware! Many hours can be spent searching the globe of interesting things like crop circles, airplanes or people.

Add to that list where Jake is living and studying while in Senegal.
And so without further Ado, i present to you the coordinates of both my house and School in Senegal:

That should take you to the center of Suffolk University, Dakar Campus. If you look closely, you might be able to see the goats that often dominate our basketball court and soccor field.

That should take you to exactly on top of my house (or Hannah's if I goofed a little bit and missed but its ok cause she lives right next door to me). If you look closely, you can see cousin Brinan's at the top of the screen at the end of the alley I live down and the alham parked constantly outside my house for no real reason. Luckily, the area is goat-free (for now).

Other notable points of interest:
Mahmadou's Fruit Stand:
Um...basically where I buy my apples, oranges, and bananas while trying to help a Ginuean living in Dakar with his English which is much better than my Wolof. All in all a cool guy.

The Goat that I pass every day that's always eating cardboard:
Just down the road from Mahmadous. I think I've figured out the solution to Dakar's trash problem. I won't release specifics, but let's just say it involves a huge herd of goats...

That's really about it. But now you can see the walk I take home every day...just follow the roads from School to Mahmadous to Home. That's it.

Just watch out for the goats.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the coordinates. I love Google Earth.

It's hard to judge the distance to school from home. Do you walk(or wade) daily? Besides the goats and lakes how is the commute and how long does it take?

Uncle Mike
Currently at 29° 16'14.07" N,
47° 58'04.38" E